13 januar 2007

Out with the old - inn with the new

I started working this week after staying home with baby Sunni for about a year. I also have a new employer, so there's a lot of changes in our daily routine..

I'm a bit sad as I missed her first steps, though (actually a lot sad, *sigh*). But her father at least saw her 1. walk. Now I'm trying all the time to make her walk a bit, but she has only taken one step and then sat down so far.

My old workplace sent the flowers on the right and my new the ones on the left. How nice! Thank you!

Blogging will now mostly get done on the weekends i suppose...

Jeg har begynt å jobbe igjen etter et år med permisjon. Ny jobb og greier, mye nye rutiner!
Sol har tatt sine første steg og jeg fikk ikke sett det, men gubben fikk det med seg. (Trist å misse det!)

Min nye arbeidsplass har sendt meg blomstenen til venstre og min gamle de til høyre. Var ikke det koselig!! Tusen takk!


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