10 november 2006

Bags ahoi!

Una - Ferdig
May-Britt - Ferdig
Lise - Ferdig
Ingunn - Ferdig
Kari Anne - Yogamatte bag
Iben - Smykkeposer
Mona - Lommebok
Silje - Ferdig
Ingrid - Veske
Cecilie - Ikke påbegynt
Gry - Ikke påbegynt

Det er så langt jeg har kommet. Takk for at dere er så tålmodige. (Som om dere har noe valg, hehe.)

Jobber med Ibens, Gry er nestemann (kvinne), venter på mål fra Karianne (kremt, jeg vet fortsatt ikke hvordan en yogamatte ser ut.).

Jeg har litt problemer med bloggen min, sikkert jeg som har gjort noe galt. Det ser bra ut på mac'en min, men på pc'en er alt rart. Ser det bra ut hos dere??


Presents started...

I finished this scarf yesterday with some of the fabric I got from my auntie. Lots of lovely fabrics. I put in a bit of japanese patterned cotton. I love the coloures, a bit late for autumn, but still. It's suprisingly warm as one side is a soft wool fabric.

The blue and pink thing will be a drawstring bag. (Hopefully)

New fabrics...

A couple new makeup/travelbags. And I bought some new christmas fabric (the one with the tiny harts). My aunt gave me some lovel fabrics too. They will (hopefully) become christmas presents. :)

09 november 2006

Cleanup - paranoida?

Hm, so I have removed all the pictures featuring my children. I read this discussion about weather to publish pictures or not and was thoroughly spooked. So I figure, better safe than sorry... There was not that many pictures anywhoo.

Anyone have any thought on this?

03 november 2006

Zip-bag tutorial

Anyone want to learn how to make a perfect zipped purse? Great link and blog!!