26 juli 2006

Old patterns

These are some old patters that I got from my boyfriends mother. Want to have a go on the bag one day...

Flower crochet pattern...

Silje, this is so you can have a try on a flower. It is from a book I have on crochetpatterns. Great book...
Silje's brand new blog on:

25 juli 2006

Kitty-craft order came today!!

A little bit of fabric and a lot of magazines. Great inspiration!! I want to make everything in them!!


This is what the decorated bag looks like. No hearts, Kristin, exept for on the button. A little butterfly instead...

In the bag..

Her er deltakere og foreløbig oversikt over hva som er planlagt

Una - Lommebok med japansk stoff
May-Britt - Veske usikker størrelse og stoff
Lise - Lommebok til småpenger med glidelås
Ingunn - Lommebok eller veske
Karianne - Yogamatte bag
Iben - Noe som passer til en Iben
Mona - Lommebok litt liten og kvadratisk
Silje - Veske med dinosaurer (mulig sort og med olastoff)
Ingrid - Veske til bruk i rullestol
Cecilie -

Har jeg glemt noen? Oppdaterer listen senere...

Nå er vi faktisk 10 stykker.
Hvis dere vil ha noe annet eller har noen tilleggsopplysninger eller ønsker er det bare å si i fra.
Jeg tar en liten ferie fra blogging fra torsdag.

Ha en fortsatt fin sommer!!

24 juli 2006

First come first serve... now full!!

***This is for friends and family only***
By special invitation - trial project

Post comment here if you want to get in on the october "Først til mølla" project.
I will contact the first 8 replies that I receive with details in week 32.

Sorry, for this trial-project, only friends and family may enter.

Plans for some of my japanese fabrics

I plan to make a sketchbook-cover, a wallet and a little bag with some bamboo handles that I have had for a long time. Taking orders now Imoto.

Bag for Imoto

Imoto is littlesister in Japanese. I just can't decide to stick this little flower on it or not. Maybe as a broche?

Veske til Kristin - endelig ferdig

Sorry, took a loooooong time.

23 juli 2006

Love, love, love!!!

Look at these! OMG X 3! Happy happy days.
Ideas swirling around in my head. I really love ALL the fabrics I bought. Now I'm waiting for my Kitty-Craft order, even more impatiently...

Jeg har blitt memet

Jeg har blitt memet av Linda

Fem saker i min frys:
Hjemmelagde italienske kjøttboller (gutta har dilla på dem så jeg lager stoore kvanta)
Is (hmm, is!)
* (pause mens jeg løper ned og henter en båtis...)
Noen smultringer som er til overs fra jule-dosa bestemor ga oss og som vi har glemt å spise
(Flott - nå ble jeg sulten også...)

Fem saker i min garderob:
Alt for mange par pensko med upraktiske høye hæler (jeg kvier meg for å si det men det er 2 par jeg ikke har bruk)
Klær (døh)
Spray&Mop sprayflaske og mop (eh, jeg er ikke særlig huslig altså, men jeg har glemt å rydde dem bort..)
Paracet og hostesaft til barna og meg som akkuratt har vært syke

Fem saker i min bil:
2 barneseter
Kaptein Sabeltann cd (viktig, viktig)
Vogn i bagasjen
Godt lager våtservietter (eldstemann har en tendens til å bli bilsyk uten særlig forvarsel)
Hmm, jeg har tv, men den sitter jo fast liksom. (hah, da fikk jeg skrytt av det også)

Fem ting jeg vil strikke/virke innan jag dør:
Gjøre ferdig en duk som oldemoren min har begynt på og som bestemor ga til meg. Jeg er bare ikke flink nok til å brodere enda til at jeg tør å prøve. Om noen år kanskje.
Studio/arbeidsrom/hus til meg selv i hagen (foreløbig prosjektert til neste sommer, drømme, drømme..)
Sengeteppe til meg selv og gubben
Strikke ulldresser til barna
Et reinsdyr fra Tildas julebok (den er über-nusselig)

Fem personer jeg sender videre til:
Gry (hun har ikke blog enda, men har sagt at hun vil lage seg en. Super flink til å strikke og dessuten wiz på data)
Ehhhh, jeg kjenner ingen andre med blog altså...
FuglemammaSiden jeg er FlinkFink
Hm, får tenke litt om jeg kan finne noen flere...

22 juli 2006

Storm's decorative grass

We got this plastic glass, stickers and seeds in a Happymeal at MacDonalds. Not often that we eat there. Even more rare to find a "toy" that is creative... Storm decorated the glass himself. I must say I was quite suprised at how well it turned out. He sat and consentrated for the longest period of time and fought with the stickers. The result is a fantastic combination of many small stickers to create a scary and funny face.

Well done son!!

Ambitious logo

Sorta means ambitious (is that spelled right?)
And that is part of a barcode under it.

21 juli 2006

Tote bag for sister-dearest

This is almost done. Just a seam around the top and hey-hopp, you can pick it up. Woo, rime and all. I was going to decorate it more, but the brocade side looks lovely as it is...

Watcha think syster-yster?

Stairway to hell

While I was ill, the stairs got on my nerve so much - something had to be done!!! Man our staircase is ugly!
I shocked out to buy paint, fever and all, and started splatting it on, then decided it just wasen't enough.
I started ripping off the lino cover from the 40's (we think it's from around that time anyhow..) It's cracked and spreading dust all around everytime someone walks on it. Gotta go!
And underneath lurked the original wooden planks from 1911 when the house was built.
Yay! All they need is a thorough wash, some elbowgrease in the shape of a little black and decker sander and clear warnish.
Ohh, I look forward to the finished product!!!!!!!

Present for auntie Mona

Goodies from Japan...

I have ordered stuff from Kitty-Craft and from fabrictales, and the shipment from fabrictales has arrived at the postoffice.
Now all I have to to is wait for tomorrow. AAArgh!



16 juli 2006


Sunni has a high fewer and I have an infection.
No action here for a while...

11 juli 2006

Quiet time...

A weeks break with the children while daddy-o is away.
Hardly any crafty time this week.
Maybe a bag for auntie.
Me and storm both have a cold.

09 juli 2006

Quilt finished - Yay!

I finally put the finishing touches to the quilt.
Feels good to have something out of the way.
Now I can start a new project - Jippi!

I think it will have to be a few more dino-bags.
Gonna try and see if anybody will be interested in selling them.
There is a shop right here in Gjerdrum that is really nice.
I think they need more stuff for boys though...

02 juli 2006

Dino bag finished!

If I am to judge by his reaction, then this bag was a huge success.
I put thick sturdy linen inside it and on the handles.
Hopefully that will give it slightly longer life.
The important thing is that it will be used.
He found little pocket on the outside usefull:
"It's perfect for tissue-paper, so I can wipe my snot, mum!"
Sooo true!


Small pig in the making.
Will be a gift to our friend, the lovely and cute she-pig.
Yes, you know who you are.

Quilt-guilt reduced by 90%

Just a little bit left on the quilt and it's aaaall done.
Putting some small circle-design crochet on it to.
Found this crochet piece that Ingrids mother started when she was alive.
I think it was meant to become a doily-thingy. I'm making some more and will sew them on when they are finnished.
I think she'll like it...

One down...

Ahh, finally I have something finished...
Our neighbours baby is due in a couple of months.