07 desember 2006

Japanese sweets... yum!

I went to a japanese shop in Oslo to get some sweets for my japanese class' last meeting. Look at the cute packaging!!!

The one with the cat and dog on the front reads "kiteirando" (Kittyland). There was also japanese cakes with red bean paste in them. Delicious, but a very strange consitency, the white stuff around them (some sort of rice dough) is soft and when you pick them up they sort of sag (!). Odd, but interesting and very sweet. Me and my sister ended up eating almost the hole bag (with some help from her flatmate).The Milky sweet I really didn't care for but the packaging is soooo cute.


Miss Silje said...

Milky-yeah! Tenk at noe med så søøøt innpakning kan smake så vondt.. Hihi. Jeg fikk søsteren til å smake, men modern turte ikke.. :P Designen på innpakningene er bare nydelig.

lørdag, 09 desember, 2006  

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